Compare US Cloud vs. Microsoft.

A side-by-side service comparison of US Cloud Premier Support to Microsoft Unified Support

The chart below offers a quick, at-a-glance comparison between US Cloud’s Microsoft support services, MS Unified and MSPs/VARs/CSPs. See the chart to compare US Cloud to Microsoft Premier/Unified Support. Buy only the hours needed at US Cloud vs Microsoft’s 30-50% price increase. For a more thorough explanation of the differences between our service and Microsoft, schedule a quick introductory call with one of our experts.

Microsoft Support Vendor Checklist

Biggest Differences - Value & Quality

Microsoft Support Vendor Checklist
Comparison chart US Cloud vs Microsoft Download

Enterprises report that the biggest differences between US Cloud Support and Microsoft Premier/Unified are value and quality.

Value is most important to economic buyers such as IT Procurement teams who are incentivized to find efficiencies, avoid future cost increases, and cut costs without sacrificing service delivery. US Cloud’s 30-50% savings vs MS Premier/Unified checks all the boxes.

Quality is most important to IT buyers such as enterprise IT leaders who are relying heavily on Microsoft software but finding the new Unified support model disappointing. Many are discovering unreasonably long resolution times with outsourced and offshored service delivery. US Cloud’s US based engineers resolve issues 25% faster than Microsoft and are delivering the quality support enterprises demand.

Get Microsoft Support for Less

Unlock Better Support & Bigger Savings

  • Save 30-50% on Microsoft Premier/Unified Support
  • 2x Faster Resolution Time + SLAs
  • All-American Microsoft-Certified Engineers
  • 24/7 Global Customer Support